We invite you to consult the complete list of standard rates practiced by the Worldwide Dental clinic
Conversion: 1 Euro = 4.98 RON
Dental surgery
- Simple consultation 100 RON
- Specialist surgery consultation Dr. Carl Mussa 200 RON
- Monoradicular extraction 200 RON
- Molar extraction 250-300 RON
- Wisdom Tooth extraction 350-450 RON
- Extraction of wisdom tooth included/semi-included 500-850 RON
- Temporary tooth extraction 100 – 150 RON
- Apical resection 450 RON
- Cystectomy 700 RON
- Abscess incision 300 RON
- Subgingival curettage / tooth 100 RON
- Frenectomy laser 300 RON
- Gingivectomy laser / dinte 125 RON
- Standard Implant Insertion 2250 RON
- Premium implant insertion 3500 RON
- Flap operation (simple) 300 RON
- Flap incision laser 300 RON
- Tissue regeneration de la 2000 RON
- PRF- Accelerated Healing 800 RON
- External sinus lift 3500 RON
- Internal sinus lift 2500 RON
- Bone augmentation / 1 gr 700 RON
- Bone augmentation 1-2 teeth 1500 RON
- Bone augmentation 3-5 teeth 2500 RON
All on 4 and All on 6 in just 24 hours
- FIXED TEETH ON 4 STANDARD IMPLANTS (All on 4) (dental extractions, Prf accelerated healing, post-sedation recovery space, temporary fixed teeth) 15000 RON
- FIXED TEETH ON 4 PREMIUM IMPLANTS (All on 4) (dental extractions, Prf accelerated healing, post-sedation recovery space, temporary fixed teeth) 21000 RON
- FIXED TEETH ON 6 STANDARD IMPLANTS (All on 6) (dental extractions, Prf accelerated healing, post-sedation recovery space, temporary fixed teeth) 18500 RON
- FIXED TEETH ON 6 PREMIUM IMPLANTS (All on 6) (dental extractions, Prf accelerated healing, post-sedation recovery space, temporary fixed teeth) 25000 RON
- Definitive teeth screwed on 4 / 6 implants STANDARD 13000 RON
- Definitive teeth screwed on 4 / 6 implants PREMIUM 22000 RON
Aesthetics and dental prosthetics
- Specialist dental aesthetic consultation Dr. Michael El Hayek (treatment plan, photo documentation, case study) 200 RON
- EMAX Dental Veneers 1750 RON
- Stratified EMAX Dental Veneers 1950 RON
- Composite dental veneer / tooth 600 RON
- Metal-ceramic crown on implant 1200 RON
- Zirconia Crown on implant 1600 RON
- Metal-ceramic crown 900 RON
- Zirconia Crown 1500 RON
- EMAX dental crown 1750 RON
- Stratified EMAX dental crown 1950 RON
- Mock-up/ ARCADE 900 RON
- DSD - Digital Smile Design
- Element ablation / element 75 RON
- Crown cementation / element 100 RON
- Cast crown-radicular reconstruction (metallic) 400 RON
- Provisional acrylic crown / element ( in the clinic) 75 RON
- Provisional crown PMMA / element (in the laboratory) 200 RON
- Bruxism mouth guard 800 RON
- Whitening package ( descaling + professional brushing + Airflow + in office Whitening) 1000 RON
- Take home whitening 700 RON
- Full Whitening package (descaling + professional brushing + Airflow + in office Whitening + take home Whitening) 1500 RON
- Descaling + professional brushing 250 RON
- Descaling + professional brushing + airflow 350 RON
- Airflow 150 RON
- Removable partial acrylic prosthesis 1700 RON
- Removable full acrylic prosthesis 2000 RON
- Semi-fixed prosthesis anchored on implants 5500 RON
- Skeletal mobile prosthesis 5000 RON
- Captusire / rebazare / reparare proteza mobila (acrilat) 400 RON
- Kemeny prothesis ( 1 - 2 teeth / 3 – 4 teeth) 300 / 400 RON
- Maryland prothesis Proteza Maryland
- Specialist consultation Dr. Mona Dardouk El Hayek 200 RON
- Ablation of fiber post or metal post 150 RON
- Application of Bioceramic (closure of perforation) 250 RON
- Glass fiber post reinforcement with abutment reconstruction 250 - 400 RON
- Emergency treatment 150 RON
- Monoradicular tooth root canal treatment under MICROSCOPE 600 RON
- Monoradicular tooth retreatment under MICROSCOPE 700 RON
- Premolar root canal treatment under Microscope 700 RON
- Premolar retreatment under MICROSCOPE 800 RON
- Molar root canal treatment under MICROSCOPE 800 RON
- Wisdom tooth root canal treatment under MICROSCOPE 900 RON
- Molar retreatment under MICROSCOPE 900 RON
- Wisdome tooth retreatment under MICROSCOPE 1000 RON
- Removal of broken instrument 250 RON
- *All endodontic treatments are performed under amicroscope, with a rubber dam isolation, mechanical preparation with rotating instruments and 3D obturation of the root canal system.
Dental fillings and obturations
- Superficial obturation 250 RON
- Medium obturation 350 RON
- Deep obturation 450 RON
- Direct / indirect capping 100 RON
- Desensitizing 100 RON
- Application of dental jewelry (cementation) + * element price 150 RON + *
- Digital Xray 50 RON
- Consultatie simplă 150 RON
- Consultație de specialitate (familiarizarea cu cabinetul dentar, plan de tratament, indrumare periaj dentar corect) + radiografii intraorale 200 RON
- Sedita profilaxie completa (detartraj, air-flow, periaj, fluorizare) 250 RON
- Fluorizare topica 100 RON
- Sigilare dinte permanent 100 RON
- Obturatie coronara dinte temporar 150 RON
- Obturatie coronara dinte permanent superficiala 200 RON
- Obturatie coronara dinte permanent medie 300 RON
- Obturatie coronara dinte permanent profunda 400 RON
- Coafaj direct / indirect 50 RON
- Pulpotomie dinte temporar 100 RON
- Pulpectomie dinte temporar 150 RON
- Amputatie devitata (pasta mumifianta) / Pansament medicamentos 100 RON
- Obturatie de canal dinte temporar posterior 250 RON
- Extracție dinte temporar 150 RON
- Coroana metalica dinte temporar 300 RON
- Reconstructie coronara a bontului cu pivot fibra sticla 200 – 350 RON
- Frenectomie cu laser 200 RON
- Consultation 200 RON
- Treatment plan + case study 400 RON
- Check-up for removable orthodontic trays 150 RON
- Check-up for brackets 200 RON
- Ortoimplant 700 RON
- Aparat mobilizabil/ arcada 1000 RON
- Aparat fix metalic/ arcadă 3000 RON
- Aparat fix ceramic/ arcadă 4000 RON
- Aparat fix safir/ arcadă 4600 RON
- Aparat Damon Clear/ arcadă
- Aparat Damon metalic/ arcadă
- Invisalign (gutiere ortodontice) Prețul diferă în funcție de caz
- Gutiera de contentie / arcada 250 RON
- Schimb arc / arcadă 80 RON
- Bracket Metalic 150 RON
- Bracket Ceramic 200 RON
- Elastice ortodontice intermaxilare 50 RON
- Inaltarea ocluziei provizorie in scop ortodontic 100 RON
- Indepartare apparat orthodontic 300 RON
- Retainer fix (2 arcade) 400 RON
- Consultație 150 RON
- Incizie abces parodontal 50 RON
- Detartraj subgingival profesional / arcadă 140 RON/ arcada
- Chiuretaj parodontal asistat de laser/ dinte 100 RON/ dinte
- Imobilizare dinți parodontotici/ dinte 100 RON/ dinte